Sunday 26 June 2011

Tutorial 1 ( Selection )

In this tutorial, I'm going to teach you the selection process. I'm going to use Adobe Photoshop through this process. After this tutorial, you will be able to select a part of the image that you want from the actual image.

Firstly, before we start our tutorial, we need to get a few images from the net or from any sources. These are the images that I choose are as follow:

One of Multimedia University Cyberjaya's Building 

A Graduate

A Graduate's Hat

A Degree

Multimedia University Logo 

Now, let's start with our tutorial.

Let's start with the image of  "One of the MMU's building''. First, open Adobe Photoshop. Go to File and select Open to find the image of  "One of the MMU's building''. Then highlight the whole image by using the rectangle marquee which is at the second tool in left column.

After that, right-click on the magic wand tool which is on forth tool in left column and select magic wand. You must be very cautious when you use magic wand. You need to click on the parts which you think is you don't need. After doing that, you might get something like this:

Next go to File and select New. Once the New Menu is displayed, click on Preset and select International Paper.

International Paper

After this step, go to the menu bar and click Arrange Document and select 2 Ups

and you will have something like this

Next click on the Move Tool and drag the image that you needed to the International Paper and you will have something like this

After doing that, Open the other images and do the same things as the ''One of Multimedia University Cyberjaya's Building'' image except the MMU logo and drag in to the International Paper. As for the MMU logo, just move it to the rest of the images The results will be like this

 Now, I will duplicate the ''degree'' image and rotate it. First, go to the ''degree'' image layer and go to Edit<Transform<Rotate. 

Now I will show you how to duplicate the ''degree image''. Make sure you are at the ''degree'' image layer. Click on the Move Tool which is the first icon of the left column and hold ALT on your keyboard and drag the image using the left click on your mouse.

 Since you know how to rotate and duplicate the images, you can also change the size of the images by going to the layer of the image and go to Edit > Transform > Scale. After some adjustments to the images, you might get something like this 

 Here you go. That's the end of this tutorial. Hope it is easy to understand. Thanks you for time and stay tune for the next tutorial.



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